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Silvia Moi


F E A T U R E D   R E V I E W S


"Many good performances should have been mentioned, but let me be content with one: Silvia Moi as Morgana, scenic free and spirited, and with a voice more beautiful than ever before"

Dagbladet, Ståle Wikshåland

"Silvia Moi (Susanna) have charm, style, stage-presence, and musicality to burn. I don't think I've heard a better-accompanied Figaro."


"Och det bästa av allt är att Silvia Moi. Hon sjunger naturligtvis inte så mycket i filmen, men ær en av de man kommer ihåg vid sidan av René Pape som Sarastro"

Expressen, Gunnila Brodrej

"Apart from a fantastic voice, Silvia shows a tremendous talent for acting which gives the audience the insight into Rosinas hearth and not at least   her pain. It is also fun to watch how she is innocent and naïve in one scene and then in the next becomes cunning as a fox. In other words, an intriguing character that becomes more exciting just because of Moi.", Jessica Ryan

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